Expert Collaboration for Trusted Site Certification
Verisite is a partnership built on significant experience with site selection, engineering, and economic development. Together, we have clearly defined and standardized the requirements for comprehensive site certification reporting.

(317) 819-0890
Larry Gigerich is a nationally recognized economic development leader with more than 30 years of public and private sector experience. Named by Governing Magazine as one of the nation’s best economic development officials in the country, Larry is a regular speaker and panelist at conferences throughout North America. He is the Executive Managing Director of Ginovus.

(317) 460-4676
Leslie Wagner leads clients through the location modeling, site selection, and incentive
procurement process. Her experience spans over 25 years and includes managing new facility development, expansions, consolidations, and relocations of Fortune 500 companies and clients across a variety of industries. Leslie is a Senior Principal at Ginovus.

(317) 589-6647
Tim Jensen is an economic and real estate development consultant with a unique background as a Certified Professional Engineer, broker, developer, and contractor. He has experience managing both public and private partnerships and is a frequent speaker at broker and municipal management events. Tim is the Founder and Principal Engineer at The Veridus Group.

(317) 441-2100
With his national experience, Jack understands a variety of unique challenges that communities may face. Using his background in quantitative and qualitative analysis, Jack helps clients understand economic trends to form implementable development goals. He is a Project Analyst for The Veridus Group's Community and Economic Development Team.